Our History

Button Animation Studio originated from Studio “Da” in St. Petersburg, Russia. We are a team of specialists who have been conducting animation workshops for children and adults in situations of forced isolation (hospitals, institutions for people with disabilities, colonies, social centers) since 2008. We implement projects in the field of inclusive art and social support for vulnerable groups, create animations, music, and conduct interactive games with children and adults. We travel to different regions, participate in international film festivals, share our experience, and train specialists – educators, artists, musicians, and anyone who wants to base their work on our values and methods. In our classes, art ceases to be a privilege that requires participants to have a certain skill (“artistry”), and becomes an experience and language that helps to overcome fragmentation, form new connections, make sense of their own experiences, and even, to some extent, transform the surrounding world. We have developed our own methodology that we have been following for 13 years. It is based on the values of co-creation and collective authorship. It is about equality in pedagogical processes and facilitation rules, about a narrative approach and how we use it to create collective stories. You can learn more about our methodology and our work in St. Petersburg on the website of the Studio “Da”.

Meet The Team

Katerina Kubareva

Director and teacher of  the animation studio “Da”  St. Petersburg since 2014. Professional video editor since 2006. Organizer and participant of  children’s events at the festival “Stereoleto”, “Colors of Childhood”  St. Petersburg, “REC” Berlin,  “TIDE” Hamburg, “Teremok” Bogota, etc.

Dmitriy Ivanov

Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology  and Social Work in St. Petersburg State Institute  of Psychology and Social Development.  Professional photographer since 2008.  Teacher of the studio “Da” St. Petersburg since 2012.  Organizer and participant of children’s events  at the festival “Stereoletto”, “Colors of Childhood”,  “Teremok” Bogota, “Manifesta” Member of the jury of the international  festival of animation and short films “Vkratse”